Science Round-Up

-Tuhina Sinha 10th June, 2015 NASA finds evidence of serial black hole eruptions: Astronomers using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory have found that a super massive black hole at the centre of a group of galaxies about 105 million light years from Earth has erupted multiple times over 50 million years. Scientists discovered the history of… Continue reading Science Round-Up

Science Round-Up

-Tuhina Sinha 27th March, 2015 PAU develpos kit to test purity of drinking water: The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has developed a cheap way to test whether the water you are drinking is contaminated or not. They have put forward a ‘water testing kit’ — a handy way to test your so-called ‘filtered water’ —… Continue reading Science Round-Up

Science Round-Up

-Tuhina Sinha

This is a round-up of the major science news compilations over the past fortnight.

Science Round-Up

The Latest Happenings in Science